Fantom’s Fantastic Frenzy is the Underdog Token Stealing the Show

Estimated read time 4 min read

Investors are advised to hug close their hardware wallets because a new crypto upstart has arrived on the scene with some serious decibel levels. Meet the new kid on the block and the one that has been rising to the top faster than a cat up a curtains, the Fantom (FTM). With a mind-boggling 15. Over the last 24 hours, FTM has risen by 63%, delivering it to a current price per token of $0. 667, which made most of the investors happy as cats enjoying fresh milk.

I believe it is about time we dug our teeth into these figures, isn’t it? Fantom or $FTM is simply whistling at a market capitalization of $1,870,066,352, and now ranks 45th in the global market cap chart for cryptos. Imagine moving from the black colored alley way right to the spacious penthouse all in one jump! There has also been increase in trading volume there by recording a 41%. from $38,275 to 378 276 257 in the last day 97%. In the same manner, traders seem to attack FTM more than a cat attacking a mouse.

In terms of the supply, at the time of this writing, there are 2,803,634,836 FTM tokens in circulation that is a significant part of the overall total supply of FTM, which stands at 3,175,000,000. It is surprising that there is no maximum supply indicated on the PE’s website. In the crypto world, that’s equivalent to stating that there is no ceiling – bar none; or in this particular instance – or is it? the height of a cat tree.

But, somehow, all of a sudden, there’s a Fantom mania anyone would like to explain. Is it one other crypto catnip or are there more authentic motives behind the feline mania? As ardently as people love trading in cryptocurrencies, it’s always a challenge to unravel the whole reasons within the volatile world of digital products but some are attributing it to Fantom’s conception of the blockchain concept.

You know, Fantom is not an ordinary token that will be launched on the market every now and then. It is incorporated into a highly-performing, elastic, and secure smart-contract platform designed to address some of the largest pain points in the blockchain industry. This is especially the case given that more and more users expect quick and cheap transactions in an increasingly competitive market.

Fantom’s selling point is the ability to provide users with an effective solution that combines Centralized systems with the Decentralized networks’ security and transparency. They have almost taken the best quality crypto offerings and added a twist of ‘blockchain’ to it; it is as if they have made an investment sweet delicacy for investors- blockchain mousse if you will.

However, like with any investment, especially in such an unpredictable sphere as the cryptosphere, one has to be careful. The crypto market is not very different from the state of mind of a cat after a long nap, meaning that the market that is now up could plunge down in a moment and vice versa. That which is popular today may not be the same one tomorrow.

All in all, despite the sensational performance in the recent days the investors are advised to do the research and invest with some basic precautions. Therefore, in the context of this article, remember the old adage that ‘FOMO is never your mate’ for traditional investing applies in the world of cryptos too.

In the grander picture, the recent rally of Fantom might be at the beginning of a new trend of high-performance blockchain solutions. Or it could be the 15 minutes of fame before the next shiny, new toy captures people’s fancy. That, one can easily tell, is anybody’s guess at this point of time. However, one thing is clear, and that is that Fantom has its ‘Paw print’ on the crypto space.

So, what’s your take? Is Fantom the next great crypto_investment, or just another ‘pet rock’ of crypto_scammers? It will be interesting to see this space evolve over time only though, as has been witnessed, expertise will greatly rise in importance. Perhaps in a few years from now, like we now use CDM for all our transactions, we shall use FTM for the same. For now you just keep your Crypto wallet handy, and your private key clenched!

But always bear in mind, that in the world of cryptocurrencies, curiosity does not only fail to kill the cat, it can make this feline absurdly wealthy! So stay alert, don’t be too rigid in thoughts and maybe you will be able to grab the next big idea before it becomes the next big thing. Good trading, dear crypto fans and let your profits as fantastic as the wonderful rise of Fantom!

Joilce S

Most Senior Writer in Reverse PR with a Love for Journalism.

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