Legal Team Demands Classified Documents in Fight to Prove Election Was Stolen

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Former President Donald Trump’s legal team is intensifying its efforts in the ongoing battle to prove that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. In a move that brings Trump’s political fight to the courtroom, his defense is requesting access to a cache of classified documents from the Justice Department. These documents are expected to play a pivotal role in Trump’s upcoming criminal trial, where he seeks to justify his skepticism about the 2020 election results.

The central argument put forth by Trump’s defense team revolves around the notion of a vast government conspiracy against him. They believe that these classified documents hold key information that could exonerate him by revealing instances of election interference in 2020. It’s important to note that multiple investigations have already found no substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and Trump’s refusal to concede was in the face of this established fact.

The request for access to classified documents was made in a court filing, adding another layer to the Trump legal team’s efforts to construct a defense for his upcoming federal trial. Specifically, they are seeking various types of records related to election interference investigations and other communications from federal agencies such as the Justice Department, National Archives, Defense Department, and the intelligence community.

Trump’s lawyers argue, “President Trump is entitled to all information supporting his position that his concerns regarding fraud during the 2020 election—rather than ‘knowingly false’ or criminal—were plausible and maintained in good faith.” They further contend that the indictment supports the views of various government entities, which they believe were politically motivated to endorse the preferred narrative of the Biden Administration.

The decision to grant access to these documents rests with the judge overseeing the case in the federal district court in Washington, DC. If approved, this request could potentially lead to delays in Trump’s trial due to the need to handle classified information appropriately.

Interestingly, Trump’s request also encompasses records related to investigations into foreign nations’ attempts to influence presidential elections. This is ironic, considering Trump had sought to distance himself from such allegations throughout his tenure, particularly in the aftermath of his 2016 victory.

In their court filings, Trump’s lawyers argue that “Evidence of covert foreign disinformation campaigns relating to the 2020 election supports the defense argument that President Trump and others acted in good faith even if certain reports were ultimately determined to be inaccurate.” They contend that the prosecution cannot blame Trump for public distrust in the 2020 election results without providing evidence of foreign interference.

Earlier in the same day, Judge Tanya Chutkan declined Trump’s request to subpoena records from the House select committee that had investigated the events of January 6. Trump maintains his plea of not guilty, and his trial is scheduled to commence in March.

Hoping to Discredit Pence

In a separate line of inquiry, the Trump legal team is seeking information related to the investigation involving former Vice President Mike Pence. Their request suggests that Pence may have cooperated with investigators to protect his own interests during a separate inquiry into the handling of classified records.

The investigation into Pence’s handling of classified documents arose after marked documents were discovered at his residence. This discovery was made during the course of the criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified records, which ultimately did not result in criminal charges for Pence.

Pence had testified before a federal grand jury as part of the 2020 election investigation. Trump’s lawyers argue that the potential criminal charges Pence faced provided him with an incentive to align his statements with the Biden Administration’s narrative, which they claim to be false.

A spokesperson for Pence declined to comment on this matter.

Pence’s confidential testimony, given under oath before a federal grand jury, became subject to a judge’s decision to compel him to answer questions under subpoena.

These legal maneuvers by Trump’s defense team are indicative of his continued efforts to challenge the 2020 election results and maintain his position that he was the rightful winner. Whether the access to classified documents will ultimately aid his case or further cement the established facts remains to be seen. The trial is set to begin in March, where these arguments will be rigorously debated and examined.

Joilce S

Most Senior Writer in Reverse PR with a Love for Journalism.

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